Charles Bridge and his family lived at 16 Church Road, Oldswinford, Stourbridge, and before 1914 he held the responsible post as manager of the Cradley Printing Company. In spite of his age of 38 he was obliged to register for military service some time towards the end of 1916. He was called up early in January 1917 in the Royal Engineers and sent for training. The sudden transition to military life and training proved too much for him. The County Express referred to him as ‘never robust’, although he must have passed the basic medical for military service. Within five weeks he had developed serious problems. He was sent to the Minster Hospital at Ramsgate but never recovered. He left a wife and two children. He had been a loyal member of St. Mary’s congregation and his funeral took place on the 8th February followed by burial in Oldswinford cemetery (South West). The parish magazine paid him the following tribute: ‘We record with deep regret the loss of Sapper Charles Bridge, another victim of the War, not from shot or shell, but from pleurisy and pneumonia contracted during service at home. He was a model husband and father, a Churchman and Communicant, and one of our Sidesmen. Much sympathy is felt for those he leaves behind, but they will have the comfort of knowing how much he was honoured and respected by all with whom he was associated.’ He is commemorated on the Stourbridge and Oldswinford church Memorials.
If you have information about Charles W bridge. or any of the Men & Memorials of Dudley we would love to hear from you. Simply fill out our online form with your details and we will get in touch with you to find out more.
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